May 22, 2023

Request for Public Comment – Clean Rivers Program 2023 highlights report

A draft of ANRA’s 2023 Clean Rivers Program Basin Highlights Report is now available for public review and comment.

The document is available on the CRP reports page at

Comments will be accepted via email at until 5 pm CST June 9, 2023

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

We appreciate your participation!

May 8, 2023

Notices of Non-Compliance with TCEQ Requirements

The following customer notice is required by the TCEQ as a result of the non-compliances associated with Disinfection Byproducts Monitoring. This customer notice has also been mailed directly to every active water customer of the utility.

Customer Notice TTHM Violations 2023-05-08
March 29, 2023

Prairie Grove – Water Main Break Update #4

Water Main Break Update #4
Wednesday – 3:45 p.m.
Good afternoon Prairie Grove!
Following the repair on Monday inside the water treatment plant, we have determined that a more permanent repair is going to be required in order to prevent future outages. The repair that was made on Monday revealed a significant amount of corrosion that required additional investigation to determine the extent of the damage. A quick repair was made in order to get water turned back on while we completed the additional investigation.
Without going into a lot of details, a section of buried galvanized water line that feeds a piece of treatment equipment that is no longer in service, has become so corroded that it must be replaced. That repair could take as little as an hour or it could take several hours, depending on how much pipe has to be removed to get back to solid uncorroded pipe.
Beginning tomorrow morning at 9:00 a.m., the water system will be completely shut down to allow for the repair to be made. Best case scenario, the system will be down for less than an hour. Worst case scenario, the system could be down for 4 to 5 hours. ANRA will keep the community updated as the situation evolves.
The Boil Water Notice is still in effect. Additional details regarding the Boil Water Notice will be distributed tomorrow after the water system is pressured up again.
Thank you for you patience and please share this information with others who may not have access to social media. Let us know if you have any questions or concerns.
March 27, 2023

Prairie Grove – Notice of Water Main Break and Boil Water Notice

Prairie Grove – Notice of Water Main Break and Boil Water Notice
1am Monday:
Summary: A water main inside the Sherwood well property began leaking significantly sometime Sunday and we’ve had to turn the water off. In order to reduce inconveniences as much as we can, we’re going to turn it back on from 6 to 9 am before we dig it up to assess and repair. A boil water notice will be issued ASAP.
Full details: Around 9pm Sunday, our alarm system alerted us to low levels in the storage tanks at the Sherwood Forest well. A crew was sent to investigate, and they discovered the primary water main within the Sherwood Forest well property leaking significantly. Attempting a dig in the dark and without parts stores being open will likely just extended the outage rather than solving the problem so we’ve chosen to turn everything off for now to prevent it having a complete blowout before it can be repaired.
In order to minimize the inconvenience for you as much as we reasonably can, rather than starting a repair we can’t finish soon enough to be useful to you Monday morning, we’ll instead have someone on site at 6 am to turn everything back on so you all can hopefully have water to prepare for your day. From 6-9 the crew will watch the leak for signs of worsening. If it holds until 9am, we’ll wait until then to turn it back off and begin digging to assess and repair.
Because it will have been off all night, and will have to be off again during the repair, a boil water notice will be issued as soon as we reasonably can. Please treat it as though we’ve already issued the notice.
As always, we thank you for your patience and understanding, and we apologize for this inconvenience.
We’ll update you as soon as we know more.
December 27, 2022

Prairie Grove Utilities – Extreme Winter Weather Update #13

Update 7pm Tuesday:

Since 4pm, the demand has continued to be reasonable, so we’re going to leave the system on.
We intend to read meters tomorrow. Our crews have already looked at just about every meter in the system, but a full meter read will help us find any smaller leaks that might remain.
We hope to be able to lift the boil water notice at some point tomorrow as well.

Thank you again for your understanding, patience, encouragement, and good attitudes as we went through this at seemingly the most inconvenient time possible.

Have a good night, and if you spot the guys out reading meters tomorrow, wave at them and give them a thumbs up. They deserve it.

December 26, 2022

Prairie Grove Utilities – Extreme Winter Weather Update #11

Update 7:45pm Monday:
We’re going shut it down at 8 as planned.
We will open it back up at 7am sharp, hopefully for the last time for this event.
We’re seeing about the same draw as this morning after the leaks we know about were isolated, so at least we don’t appear to have any new leaks.
Shutting it down one more time will allow us to start the day tomorrow with full tanks, and that should give everyone time enough to find those last few leaks.
We don’t anticipate posting an update in the morning, since you’ll know when it comes back on anyway.
But we will have updates throughout the day if and as needed.
Thank you all once again for your understanding and assistance.
Hopefully nothing but good news tomorrow!
December 26, 2022

Prairie Grove Utilities – Extreme Winter Weather Update #10

Update 5:30pm Monday:
As of 5pm, water is flowing once again.
We intend to keep it open until 8pm as planned, then stop and let it replenish again overnight.
Several customer side leaks were found this morning and fixed or the meters turned off.
The draw on the system has improved considerably, but it’s still slightly more than the well can supply.
With one more overnight replenish, we should be able to start the morning tomorrow with 100% full tanks.
We believe there are still a few leaks out there.
But if we and/or the homeowners with leaks are able to locate those last few over the course of the day tomorrow, we’re hopeful that we can then get back to 24 hour operation.
We’ll update again at 8.
December 26, 2022

Prairie Grove Utilities – Extreme Winter Weather Update #9

Update 7am Monday:
Valves are open.
The plan right now is to keep them open until 10am and hunt for leaks, then let it replenish over the afternoon and give everyone a chance to fix leaks found.
Back on from 5-8pm then replenish overnight.
Obviously If we find and get enough leaks fixed or isolated, plans will change.
December 25, 2022

Prairie Grove Utilities – Extreme Winter Weather Update #8

Update 9:30 pm Sunday:
We shut the system down for the evening at 9, and we didn’t completely run out of water this time!
Because there is still some in the tank, we’ll start the morning in a better place, and the pressures at the plant should have finished recovering.
The plan for tomorrow has not changed:
Water on: 7:00 AM
Water off: 10:00 AM
Water on: 5:00 PM
Water off: 8:00 PM
We’ll be out actively hunting leaks after we turn it on.
As always, thank you for your patience and understanding.
We’ll see you in the morning!
December 25, 2022

Prairie Grove Utilities – Extreme Winter Weather Update #7

5:00 PM Sunday Update:
The storage tank has recovered approximately 3 feet since shutting down earlier today.
We will be turning water back at 7:00 this evening and running till 9:00 or until the water supply runs out.
Tomorrow we will observe the following schedule.
Water on: 7:00 AM
Water off: 10:00 AM
Water on: 5:00 PM
Water off: 8:00 PM
Hopefully, Tuesday we’ll be able to follow a more normal schedule as people find and fix leaks and the need to use water to prevent frozen pipes.
Please remember we are still under a Boil Water Notice until further notice. We anticipate rescinding that notice by mid-week.