Wednesday, January 22, 2025
12:30 p.m.
ATTN: Prairie Grove Utilities Customers
Local temperatures dipped into the low teens overnight last night. As a result, some customers plumbing froze and have now thawed out. As part of that process, it is highly likely that plumbing has burst.
We are seeing high water demands at the water treatment plant, presumably from broken customer-side plumbing. We encourage you to please inspect your plumbing for water leaks.
Thank you so much for your cooperation and if you need additional assistance, please contact us.
Date Available: December 17, 2024
Date Closed: Open until filled
Position Title: Maintenance Technician I
Position Classification: Full Time, Non-Exempt
Employment Conditions:
Salary Range: $17.68 to $23.79 per hour (depending on experience and qualifications)
Benefits include health insurance, life insurance, vision and dental insurance, annual leave, sick leave, holiday pay, retirement, uniform and apparel programs. Must possess a valid class “C” driver’s license, pre-employment background check and drug screen mandatory. ANRA is an equal opportunity employer.
General Duties:
ANRA is seeking a motivated individual to join our team in the role of Maintenance Technician. This is an entry level field position that reports to the Field Operations Director. The Operations Division operates water and wastewater facilities to achieve compliance with state and federal regulations.
Ideal candidates will possess the skills to conduct routine repairs and maintenance, preventative maintenance and emergency repairs for water and wastewater systems. The candidate will exhibit the ability to perform routine tasks with minimal supervision, organizational and communication skills, strong attention to detail and correctness, ability to multi-task, positive attitude, ability to work well with others, strong initiative, ability to meet deadlines, and willingness to accept additional responsibilities.
Primary Duties:
- Repair and Maintenance of Water and Wastewater Facilities
- Repair and Maintenance of ANRA Vehicles
- Routine Repair and Maintenance of ANRA Equipment
- General Grounds Maintenance of Water and Wastewater Facilities
Desired Qualifications:
- Routinely stoop, kneel, bend, and/or squat to install equipment, collect samples, perform tests, and take readings.
- Must possess a high school diploma or equivalent;
- Must possess a valid Class C Texas Driver’s License;
- Must be insurable for automotive insurance policies;
- Experience operating a mini excavator, backhoe and other related equipment;
- Capable of working flexible hours and during inclement weather;
- Physical ability and agility to deadlift lift 75 lbs. waist high and lift 40 lbs. overhead, climb steps and ladders;
- Walk ½ a mile across fairly rugged terrain, including walk/climb steep slopes while carrying equipment;
The Sunset Advisory Commission has been reviewing the mission and performance of the Angelina & Neches River Authority of Texas (ANRA) and welcomes public comments on ideas to improve its operations and services. The Texas Sunset Act requires the Sunset Commission to periodically review ANRA and recommend whether to change state law to improve the authority’s efficiency and effectiveness. The Legislature ultimately will decide whether to adopt Sunset’s statutory recommendations. The Sunset Commission also may adopt management directives for ANRA that do not require statutory change.
The Sunset process has three stages. First, Sunset staff will evaluate ANRA, seek public input, and issue a report recommending solutions to problems found. Second, the Sunset Commission will hold two public meetings: a hearing on the staff report and the authority, and a decision meeting to adopt recommendations to the Legislature based on the report and public comments. Third, the Legislature will convene in January 2025 and will consider Sunset’s statutory recommendations in a Sunset bill for ANRA.
The Sunset Staff Report may be viewed or downloaded below, but if a member of the public would like to make public comment in response to the Sunset Staff Report, please visit
On Thursday, November 7, ANRA crews will repair a water leak at the corner of Buttermilk Road and FM 1818.
Customers may experience reduced water pressure while the repair is being made.
A boil water notice is not expected to be issued.
Wednesday, October 30
9:00 a.m.
ANRA crews are currently out working on repairs to five water system leaks on Silva Road, Fern Street, FM 1818, and Buttermilk Road this morning.
We do not anticipate much, if any, interruption in water service, and we also do not expect to have to issue a boil water notice. However, please check for updates on this website, the Prairie Grove Water Customers Facebook page, and through ANRA’s text notification system.
Repairs are expected to be completed today. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us at or 936-632-7795. Thank you!
The following customer notice is required by the TCEQ as a result of the non-compliances associated with Disinfection Byproducts Monitoring. This customer notice has also been mailed directly to every active water customer of the utility.
The following customer notice is required by the TCEQ as a result of the non-compliances associated with Disinfection Byproducts Monitoring. This customer notice has also been mailed directly to every active water customer of the utility.
The Angelina & Neches River Authority has issued a Notice to Proceed for a construction project for its North Angelina County Regional Wastewater Facility.
Project Name: Regionalization of the Angelina County Fresh Water Supply District No. 1 (District) Wastewater Treatment Facility
Community Served: Rivercrest and Duncan Slough communities
State Agency Administration: Texas Water Development Board
Project Funding: Project was wholly or partially funded with State Revolving Funds funding through the EPA
Project Description: The project consists of decommissioning the existing Angelina County Fresh Water Supply District No.1 WWTF, installation of lift stations with associated line work to transfer flow to the ANRA’s North Angelina County Regional Wastewater Facility (NACRWF), and improvements to the chlorination and disinfection system at NACRWF as an additive bid option.
Water Quality Benefits: Regionalization of the project will take the District’s wastewater treatment plant offline and reroute that flow stream to a modern regional wastewater treatment facility. The wastewater treatment plant being offline and decommissioned is located approximately 300 yards from the Angelina River.
The Angelina & Neches River Authority (ANRA) will host its annual Texas Clean Rivers Program Steering Committee Meeting at 1:00 p.m. on July 30, 2024, at the Texas Forestry Association, located at 1903 Atkinson Drive, in Lufkin. An online option will be available to those unable to attend in-person.
The meeting will feature presentations from ANRA staff, Texas Water Resource Institute staff, Keep Nacogdoches Beautiful Director, Ashley Villarreal, Texas Conservation Alliance Community Conservation Coordinator, Jose Lopez, The Citizen Nac Building and Booking Manager, Sam Hernandez, and Independent Filmmaker, Curtis Craven.
ANRA’s Clean Rivers Program Coordinator, Andrew Henry, said, “This meeting is a chance for the public to get involved and voice their concerns about water quality in our basin and learn about what we’ve been doing, where, and what is planned for the future.”
Attendees will have opportunities to ask questions, discuss water quality issues and potential solutions, and learn about ways that they can further become involved in decision-making, regarding these issues and solutions.
“Without stakeholder (public) input, ANRA must decide which watersheds to prioritize and conduct work in, and while we do our best to ensure we monitor and remediate the areas in our basin with the greatest need first, this has a possibility of not aligning with the priorities of the public. With stakeholder input, we can prioritize areas the public wants to see action in. Our stakeholders have the ability to steer ANRA toward water quality improvement projects they want to see done,” Henry said.
The Texas Clean Rivers Act of 1991 was enacted by the Texas State Legislature to ensure the comprehensive regional assessment of water quality in each river basin through a local, watershed-based approach. As a partner in the Texas Clean Rivers Program (CRP), the Angelina & Neches River Authority is the lead agency for regional water quality assessments in the Upper and Middle Neches River Basin Study Area.
The goal of the Clean Rivers Program is to maintain and improve the quality of water resources within each river basin in Texas through an ongoing partnership involving the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), other agencies, river authorities, regional entities, local governments, industries and citizens. Long-term goals, include: provide quality-assured data to the TCEQ for use in water quality decision-making, identify and evaluate water quality issues, promote cooperative watershed planning, inform and engage stakeholders, maintain efficient use of public funds, and adapt the program to emerging water quality issues.
The program’s watershed management approach is designed to identify and evaluate water quality issues, establish priorities for corrective action, work to implement those actions, and adapt to changing priorities.
Visit for more information about ANRA’s partnership with the Texas Clean River Program and water quality information in the Neches River Basin.
For more information about the meeting, call (936) 632-7795 or email
To join the meeting virtually, please use the Microsoft Teams link below.
Meeting ID: 231 605 367 943
Passcode: tmdpyc
Sunset Advisory Commission Invites Public Input on the Angelina & Neches River Authority of Texas
The Sunset Advisory Commission is reviewing the mission and performance of the Angelina & Neches River Authority of Texas (ANRA) and welcomes public comments on ideas to improve its operations and services. The Texas Sunset Act requires the Sunset Commission to periodically review ANRA and recommend whether to change state law to improve the authority’s efficiency and effectiveness. The Legislature ultimately will decide whether to adopt Sunset’s statutory recommendations. The Sunset Commission also may adopt management directives for ANRA that do not require statutory change.
The Sunset process has three stages. First, Sunset staff will evaluate ANRA, seek public input, and issue a report recommending solutions to problems found. Second, the Sunset Commission will hold two public meetings: a hearing on the staff report and the authority, and a decision meeting to adopt recommendations to the Legislature based on the report and public comments. Third, the Legislature will convene in January 2025 and will consider Sunset’s statutory recommendations in a Sunset bill for ANRA.
Here are several ways to provide comments and suggestions to Sunset staff on ANRA’s mission, operations, and services:
• Send an email to sunset(a)
• Submit comments online at
• Send a letter to Sunset Advisory Commission, Attn: ANRA, P.O. Box 13066, Austin, Texas 78711
• Call (512) 463-1300 to speak to Andrew McConnell, project manager of the ANRA review
Please provide your comments by September 12 to ensure Sunset staff can fully consider your input while conducting their review. Comments submitted before the staff report is published in November 2024 will remain confidential.
Stay informed! Visit to sign up for email alerts on the Sunset staff report and the Sunset Commission’s public meetings on ANRA.