The Angelina & Neches River Authority (ANRA) is soliciting proposals from qualified suppliers for the purchase of a sanitary sewer flow meter for a 6” forcemain.
Proposals may be submitted electronically or at ANRA’s Central Office located at 210 E. Lufkin Avenue, Lufkin, Texas 75901. For additional information, contact Mr. Chris Key, P.E., Operations Division Manager, by phone at 936-632-7795 or by email at
This contract is subject to the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) “fair share policy”, which includes EPA-approved “fair share goals” for Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) and Women Business Enterprise (WBE) firms in the Construction, Supplies, Equipment, and Services procurement categories. EPA’s policy requires that applicants and prime contractors make a good faith effort to award a fair share of contracts, subcontracts, and procurements to Minority Business Enterprise and Women-Owned Business Enterprise firms. Although EPA’s policy does not mandate that the fair share goals be achieved, it does require applicants and prime contractors to demonstrate use of the six affirmative steps. The current fair share goals for the State of Texas are as follows: MBE: CONSTRUCTION 12.94%; EQUIPMENT 7.12%; SERVICES 10.84%; SUPPLIES 9.68%: WBE: CONSTRUCTION 8.72%; EQUIPMENT 5.39%; SERVICES 5.72%; SUPPLIES 9.34%
Equal Opportunity in Employment: All qualified Applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, or handicap. The contractor shall carry out applicable requirements of 40 CFR Part 33 in the award and administration of contracts awarded under TWDB financial assistance agreements. Failure by the contractor to carry out these requirements is a material breach, which may result in the termination of the awarded financial assistance.
Award of this Contract is contingent upon release of funds from the Texas Water Development Board.
Any Contract or contracts awarded under this invitation for proposal are expected to be funded in part by financial assistance from the Texas Water Development Board. Neither the State of Texas nor any of its departments, agencies, or employees are or will be a party to this Request for Proposal or any resulting contract.
The Angelina & Neches River Authority (ANRA) is soliciting proposals from qualified suppliers for the purchase of emergency stand-by generators. The generators will be utilized as emergency back-up power for sanitary sewer lift station sites.
Proposals may be submitted electronically or at ANRA’s Central Office located at 210 E. Lufkin Avenue, Lufkin, Texas 75901. For additional information, contact Mr. Chris Key, P.E., Operations Division Manager, by phone at 936-632-7795 or by email at
This contract is subject to the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) “fair share policy”, which includes EPA-approved “fair share goals” for Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) and Women Business Enterprise (WBE) firms in the Construction, Supplies, Equipment, and Services procurement categories. EPA’s policy requires that applicants and prime contractors make a good faith effort to award a fair share of contracts, subcontracts, and procurements to Minority Business Enterprise and Women-Owned Business Enterprise firms. Although EPA’s policy does not mandate that the fair share goals be achieved, it does require applicants and prime contractors to demonstrate use of the six affirmative steps. The current fair share goals for the State of Texas are as follows: MBE: CONSTRUCTION 12.94%; EQUIPMENT 7.12%; SERVICES 10.84%; SUPPLIES 9.68%: WBE: CONSTRUCTION 8.72%; EQUIPMENT 5.39%; SERVICES 5.72%; SUPPLIES 9.34%
Equal Opportunity in Employment: All qualified Applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, or handicap. The contractor shall carry out applicable requirements of 40 CFR Part 33 in the award and administration of contracts awarded under TWDB financial assistance agreements. Failure by the contractor to carry out these requirements is a material breach, which may result in the termination of the awarded financial assistance.
Award of this Contract is contingent upon release of funds from the Texas Water Development Board.
Any Contract or contracts awarded under this invitation for proposal are expected to be funded in part by financial assistance from the Texas Water Development Board. Neither the State of Texas nor any of its departments, agencies, or employees are or will be a party to this Request for Proposal or any resulting contract.
The Angelina & Neches River Authority (ANRA) is re-issuing this soliciting for a Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) from qualified architectural/engineering firms for the development of a Master Plan (Plan) to guide ANRA in the development of a commercial property site located at 2901 N. John Redditt Drive, Lufkin, Texas 75901. The property will be used as ANRA’s Central Office, laboratory testing facility and centralized equipment staging area for the authority’s operations.
The successful firm will have exhibited experience in Plan design utilizing basic architectural and engineering services for the development of a commercial property. At a minimum, experience shall include coordination with state and local authorities, storm water management, utility design and relocations, facility design and construction, and land use.
SOQ’s should include a statement detailing the qualifications of the firm, resumes of key personnel intended to perform work on the Plan and a list of commercial clients for reference purposes. The SOQ submittal should contain five (5) bound hard copies and one (1) electronic copy in pdf format.
SOQ’s must be received by 5:00 PM on Friday, July 1, 2016 at ANRA’s Central Office located at 210 E. Lufkin Avenue, Lufkin, Texas 75901.
Architectural firms interested in providing professional services for this project may obtain additional information from the Operations Division Manager, Mr. Chris Key, P.E. Mr. Key may be contacted by phone at 936-632-7795 or by email at
The selection of the successful architectural firm to move to the contract negotiation phase will be done by a committee of ANRA’s Board of Directors. The committee’s recommendation and final proposed contract for services will be considered at a regular quarterly meeting of ANRA’s Board of Directors.
ANRA reserves the right to refuse and reject any or all qualifications and to waive any or all formalities or technicalities or to accept the firm(s) who ANRA in its sole discretion determines to be most qualified, and hold the qualification for a period of 60 days without taking action. Qualifications submitted past the deadline date and time will not be accepted.
Click here for a printable copy of this notice.
May 13, 2016
The Angelina & Neches River Authority (ANRA) is soliciting a Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) from qualified architectural/engineering firms for the development of a Master Plan (Plan) to guide ANRA in the development of a commercial property site located at 2901 N. John Redditt Drive, Lufkin, Texas 75901. The property will be used as ANRA’s Central Office, laboratory testing facility and centralized equipment staging area for the authority’s operations.
The successful firm will have exhibited experience in Plan design utilizing basic architectural and engineering services for the development of a commercial property. At a minimum, experience shall include coordination with state and local authorities, storm water management, utility design and relocations, facility design and construction, and land use.
SOQ’s should include a statement detailing the qualifications of the firm, resumes of key personnel intended to perform work on the Plan and a list of commercial clients for reference purposes. The SOQ submittal should contain five (5) bound hard copies and one (1) electronic copy in pdf format.
SOQ’s must be received by 5:00 PM on Tuesday, May 31, 2016 at ANRA’s Central Office located at 210 E. Lufkin Avenue, Lufkin, Texas 75901.
Architectural firms interested in providing professional services for this project may obtain additional information from the Operations Division Manager, Mr. Chris Key, P.E. Mr. Key may be contacted by phone at 936-632-7795 or by email at
The selection of the successful architectural firm to move to the contract negotiation phase will be done by a committee of ANRA’s Board of Directors. The committee’s recommendation and final proposed contract for services will be considered at a regular quarterly meeting of ANRA’s Board of Directors.
ANRA reserves the right to refuse and reject any or all qualifications and to waive any or all formalities or technicalities or to accept the firm(s) who ANRA in its sole discretion determines to be most qualified, and hold the qualification for a period of 60 days without taking action. Qualifications submitted past the deadline date and time will not be accepted.