About the Clean Rivers Program

The Texas Clean Rivers Act of 1991 was enacted by the Texas State Legislature to ensure the comprehensive regional assessment of water quality in each river basin. As a partner in the Texas Clean Rivers Program (CRP), the Angelina & Neches River Authority is the lead agency for regional water quality assessments in the Upper Neches River Basin Study Area.

The goal of the Clean Rivers Program is to maintain and improve the quality of water resources within each river basin in Texas through an ongoing partnership involving the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), other agencies, river authorities, regional entities, local governments, industries and citizens. Long-term goals, include:

  • Provide quality-assured data to the TCEQ for use in water quality decision-making
  • Identify and evaluate water quality issues
  • Promote cooperative watershed planning
  • Inform and engage stakeholders
  • Maintain efficient use of public funds
  • Adapt the program to emerging water quality issues

The program’s watershed management approach is designed to identify and evaluate water quality issues, establish priorities for corrective action, work to implement those actions, and adapt to changing priorities.

Project Administration

ANRA and the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality engage in a biennial contract to conduct water quality monitoring activities in the Upper Neches River Basin. Upon completion of each contract period, TCEQ reimburses ANRA for program expenses.

Quality Assurance

The TCEQ approves an annual Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) for the Upper Neches River Basin. Samples are tested at ANRA’s Environmental Laboratory, which has received accreditation based upon the standards adopted by the National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Commission (NELAC) following an on-site assessment by the TCEQ. For more information, please visit the Environmental Laboratory page.

Water Quality Monitoring

Every year the annual Coordinated Monitoring Meeting (CMM) allows entities in the basin to meet, establish basin monitoring priorities, and coordinate sampling schedules to make sure that adequate coverage is maintained with minimal duplication of effort. The CMM process is used to develop the Coordinated Monitoring Schedule (CMS) for the basin. The CMS is a comprehensive schedule of monitoring in the basin and is located at: http://cms.lcra.org

Data Management

Upper Neches Basin surface water quality monitoring data files are submitted to the TCEQ three times per year. Data includes routine conventional, field, flow, bacteriological, and 24-hour data collected over the previous months. The data is available on the TCEQ’s website at: https://www80.tceq.texas.gov/SwqmisPublic/index.htm

Data Analysis & Reporting

The Basin Summary Report is assembled every third biennium and provides a comprehensive review of water quality data and water quality-related issues for the Upper Neches River Basin. Highlights reports are published yearly except in years for which the more comprehensive summary report is published. The most recent reports can be found here:

Stakeholder Participation

A steering committee with representatives from government, industry, and public interests throughout the basin provide guidance and policy at regular meetings. These meetings also provide a forum for citizens to participate with ideas and express any concerns involving water quality issues. Meeting information can be found here:

ANRA was designated as a Clean Rivers Program Partner under the newly created Clean Rivers Act. As a program partner, ANRA is responsible for the monitoring of water quality in the upper Neches Basin.


A full-time dedicated employee was hired as the Clean Rivers Program Manager. A second full-time employee was hired to assist with CRP education and outreach and Endangered Species Management Planning.


ANRA contracted with a new lab for Chlorophyll-a/Pheophytin analysis and restarted collection of those parameters at all routine monitoring sites. TKN monitoring was also added at all monitoring sites.


CRP staff become Texas Stream Team-certified and began administrating and coordinated Stream Team trainings and coordinated monitoring.


Need more info?

Angelina & Neches River Authority
2901 N John Redditt Drive
Lufkin, TX 75904
Phone (Main): 936-632-7795
Email: crp@anra.org