Program guidelines specify the steering committee should include stakeholder volunteers from across the ANRA’s area of responsibility (Upper Neches River Basin), representing the following groups:
- Private citizens
- Fee-payers (identified in Texas Water Code TWC 26.0135(h)
- Political subdivisions (including local, regional, and state officials)
- Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board
- Other appropriate state agencies including: Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Texas Water Development Board, Texas General Land Office, Texas Department of Health, Texas Department of Agriculture, Texas Railroad Commission and Texas Department of Transportation.
- Other entities interested in water quality matters including: Texas Commission on Environmental Quality regional staff, business and industry, agriculture, environmental and other public interest groups.
The steering committee serves as the focus for public input and assists with:
- Creation of specific achievable water quality objectives and basin priorities
- Review and development of work plans and allocation of resources
- Development, review and approval of major reports
- Establishing monitoring priorities and developing monitoring plans
- Identification of priority problem areas and development of actions to address these problems and pollutant sources
The CRP Long-Term Action Plan established CRP goals for the steering committees to support and enhance public participation by:
- Improving awareness of water quality, water resource, and pollutant source issues
- Increasing opportunities for citizens to identify pressing issues and concerns, and contributing ideas to the CRP process
- Expanding the public’s role in water quality management issues
If you are interested in participating in the Clean Rivers Program and would like to be a member of the Upper Neches Basin Steering Committee, please contact Emylea Cole at (936)-632-7795 (or e-mail