The East Texas area is expecting extreme low temperatures overnight Thursday, December 22, 2022. Current weather forecasts indicate that overnight temperatures Thursday into Friday morning could reach into the single digits and remain below freezing for 24 to 48 hours.
ANRA is asking all of its retail customers to make preparations now to protect people, pets and plumbing.
– Adequately insulate all outdoor water faucets, hose bibs and other plumbing devices
– Turn off and drain water lines where possible
– For customers who live in elevated structures, (pier and beam homes, mobile homes and RVs) turn off your water and drain
water lines
– Open the cabinet doors below sinks
– Keep the temperature inside your residence the same at night and during the day when no one is home
ANRA recommends letting faucets drip only if the measures above cannot be achieved.
Remember, while it may be inconvenient to take some of these extreme measures, its much more inconvenient and expensive to do nothing.