Notices of Non-Compliance with TCEQ Requirements (December 28, 2020)
The Prairie Grove WSC remains under enforcement for violations relating to operational and monitoring activities dating back to 2014. The Angelina & Neches River Authority is working with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to resolve these non-compliances.
The following customer notices are required by the TCEQ as a result of the non-compliances associated with Lead and Copper Monitoring, Disinfection Byproducts Monitoring, and Operational Evaluation Level Reporting. These customer notices have also been mailed directly to every active water customer of the WSC.
Customer Notice – Lead & Copper Violations 2020-12-28
Customer Notice – TTHM Violations 2020-12-28
Customer Notice – Operations Eval Report Violations 2020-12-28