Prairie Grove Utilities – Extreme Winter Weather Update #12
December 27, 2022Boil Water Notice Rescinded for Prairie Grove Utilities
December 28, 2022Prairie Grove Utilities – Extreme Winter Weather Update #13
Update 7pm Tuesday:
Since 4pm, the demand has continued to be reasonable, so we’re going to leave the system on.
We intend to read meters tomorrow. Our crews have already looked at just about every meter in the system, but a full meter read will help us find any smaller leaks that might remain.
We hope to be able to lift the boil water notice at some point tomorrow as well.
Thank you again for your understanding, patience, encouragement, and good attitudes as we went through this at seemingly the most inconvenient time possible.
Have a good night, and if you spot the guys out reading meters tomorrow, wave at them and give them a thumbs up. They deserve it.