ANRA Clean Rivers Program & Clean Water Act Grant Reports

2024 Upper Neches River Basin Highlights Report

Highlights reports are published yearly except in years for which the more comprehensive summary report is published.

2023 Upper Neches River Basin Highlights Report

Highlights reports are published yearly except in years for which the more comprehensive summary report is published.

2022 Upper Neches River Basin Highlights Report

Highlights reports are published yearly except in years for which the more comprehensive summary report is published.

2021 Upper Neches River Basin Highlights Report

Highlights reports are published yearly except in years for which the more comprehensive summary report is published.

2020 Upper Neches River Basin Summary Report

The Basin Summary Report is assembled every third biennium and provides a comprehensive review of water quality data and water quality related issues for the Upper Neches River Basin.

2019 Upper Neches River Basin Highlights Report

Highlights reports are published yearly except in years for which the more comprehensive summary report is published.

Both versions of the report contain the same content. Only the formatting differs.
The accessible version is formatted to optimize for people using assistive technology such as screen readers.
The print version is optimized for creating a printed version to distribute offline.

The full resolution version of the monitoring stations map from both reports is available here:

2018 Upper Neches River Basin Highlights Report

Highlights reports are published yearly except in years for which the more comprehensive summary report is published.

2017 Upper Neches River Basin Highlights Report

Highlights reports are published yearly except in years for which the more comprehensive summary report is published.

2016 Lake Sam Rayburn On-Site Sewage Facility (OSSF) Program Support and Attoyac Bayou OSSF Remediation Final Report

The purpose of the Lake Sam Rayburn On-Site Sewage Facility (OSSF) Program Support and Attoyac Bayou OSSF Remediation project is to identify and address non-point sources of bacteria and nutrients in the Attoyac Bayou watershed. Attoyac Bayou (Segment 0612) is listed as impaired for bacteria for failing to meet its designated use of Primary Contact Recreation. In the Attoyac Bayou Watershed Protection Plan (WPP), failed, improperly functioning, or non-existent OSSFs were identified in the WPP as the largest single contributor to bacterial loading in the watershed.

Through the Lake Sam Rayburn OSSF Program Support and Attoyac Bayou OSSF Remediation project, the Angelina &
Neches River Authority (ANRA) began implementing management recommendations listed in the Attoyac Bayou WPP.
One of the WPP recommendations is the identification and replacement of failed OSSFs within the watershed. The
project also begins the development of an OSSF database for the Sam Rayburn Control Zone, which can be expanded
in the future to include the Attoyac Bayou watershed. The development of a watershed-wide OSSF database was also
included as a management recommendation in the Attoyac Bayou WPP.

2016 Upper Neches River Basin Highlights Report

Highlights reports are published yearly except in years for which the more comprehensive summary report is published.

2015 Upper Neches River Basin Summary Report

The Basin Summary Report is assembled every five years and provides a comprehensive review of water quality data and water quality related issues for the Upper Neches River Basin.

2014 Upper Neches River Basin Highlights Report

Highlights reports are published yearly except in years for which the more comprehensive summary report is published.

2013 Upper Neches River Basin Highlights Report

2012 Upper Neches River Basin Highlights Report

2011 Upper Neches River Basin Highlights Report

2010 Upper Neches River Basin Summary Report

Upper Neches River Basin Highlights Reports

2004 Upper Neches River Basin Summary Report